1. The Undeniable Pattern Seeing the fall through grown up eyes - Gen 3:1-6 Adam and Eve and You and Me - 1 Cor 15:22 2. God's Unexpected response His…
The Church is a Missional Community Part 4 of " The Church ...." What is the Gospel? 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Matthew 4:23 What is the Gospel Jesus Preached? Jubilee All debts…
Preacher :
Lane Par-Due
Service Type:
Sunday Morning 10:45 Message
The Church is a Diverse Community Prejudiced, Division, and Injustice The Gospel of Reconciliation. Col 3:9-14, Corinthians 5:17-20, Christians respond Common Care - John 3:16 Common Mission - Those who…
Preacher :
Lane Par-Due
Service Type:
Sunday Morning 10:45 Message